Thanksgiving 2020

 Do you remember when?  

Do you remember when I saved you?  I saved you from sin.  I saved you from a life of drugs and alcohol.  I saved you from partying and guys.  I saved you from continuing to hurt yourself over and over.  

Do you remember when I saved you from anxiety and fear and depression and PTSD?  Do you remember when I shone light on the darkness?  When I helped you to see clearly.  When I wanted better for you.  When I wanted you to experience true peace and real joy.  

Do you remember when I carried you along?  Or how about when it all worked for good?  When Natalie’s heart was fine.  When she survived even though she had a true knot in her cord.  How you both made it through a rough pregnancy. 

Or Lucas.  Do you remember how I spared his life?  Do you remember how sick he was at birth and for the months and months following?  Do you remember how I brought him through two heart surgeries before his first birthday?

Or how about how I gave you Sean. Do you remember your happenstance meeting?  How you fell in love after only one date.  Do you remember how I brought him home safely to you from Iraq?  Do you remember how I carried the two of you through a tough first year of marriage and a deployment and PTSD?

Do you remember when I saved your life?  Twice.  How I orchestrate every detail of your life?  How I do that for my children.  How I care.  How I love.  How I know you better than anyone, even yourself.  How I see what is and what is to come.  How I will call you home one day.  

Do you remember when you gave me your life?  I hold it in my hands.  I will take good care of you.  I delight in taking care of my children as you delight taking care of your children for me.  

Do you remember to be thankful and to praise and worship?  

Do you remember to love me with your whole heart?  Do you remember to love others?  

Tomorrow, let’s remember all God has done for us and all that is to come because He is good and He loves us.  

Again, Happy Thanksgiving!


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