
 We had our family Christmas this past Saturday since we are flying out to Colorado tomorrow...........

I got Sean the USMC flag for Christmas and thankfully my long awaited vision for putting a flag in the pole off the side of the house was realized!!!!!

Back in April, I believe, I ordered a flag for Sean that was to be flown over the capital on his birthday (June 23).  It was hard enough to find a rep or senator that was still doing it because of COVID, but I did.  However, the flag was not flown over the capitol on his birthday.  It was some time way after that and he knew about his gift  before it even finally arrived some time in August because they called him about the order (I must have given them his number instead of mine).  Apparently they did not even have this flag size in stock so there were multiple phone calls, etc. to get the order settled and flown over the cap and sent to us.  And then if that weren’t enough craziness, this is what it looked like when it arrived!!!!  It’s H-U-G-E!!!!. I had a total blonde moment when ordering it.  I just got the biggest and best and really had no idea how big the dimensions truly were.  This flag does not belong in the pole off the side of the house as I had intended.  This flag belongs on a 100 foot flag pole, which we do not have.  So it sits neatly folded in our closet.  


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