Big weekend

 First of all, thank you to all those who gave their lives for our freedom.  That is the most important thing of the whole long weekend.  I hope everyone was able to stop and remember them and their families.  

We had our first overnight trip with some of the kiddos.  We took Hunter, Addison, and Natalie.  We got a hotel room at The Zachary, which is literally right across the street from Wrigley Field.  The hotel was really nice.  We went walking around Wrigleyville Friday night in the cold and rain trying to find a place to eat, which we finally did and let’s just say it was unique!  Lol. We were on the no plan plan and that made me a little uneasy to say the least.  :) 

Saturday we were lazy at the hotel until checkout time and then walked around the stadium and then got to our seats for the game.  IT WAS COLD!  I had my winter coat on and gloves!  It was windy and our seats were in the shade.  That was all fine for all of us, except for Natalie.  She was screaming so I had to bring her down to First Aid and sat in a room to feed her, warm her up, and watch the game on TV ha!  

We got some hotdogs after that and sat outside the stadium, but still within the park, on fake grass and watched it on the big screen.  With a bunch of other people because it was in the sun!  It was lots of fun.  

Our first kiddo pair overnight was a success.  I cherished the time with them.  This time with the kids, with my husband, just life in general, seems to be flying by.  I don’t know if it is because I turned 40 last July or because the kids are growing up or because Natalie will be one next week or what, but I feel like life is just out of my grasp and just keeps slipping away at a super high speed.  I feel that burden of needing to learn how to enjoy each moment.  That advice we were given in our 20s about life going by too fast and to cherish the moments, well that is starting to come true.  

Sunday we took the kids to the lake, well dockside, to eat ice cream in celebration of school ending.  We now have kiddos going into 7th, 5th, 3rd, 1st, K, and preschool!  And hopefully Lucas off to school in September.  Yikes.  See.  Time flying.  

Yesterday was kind of one of those fail days because Sean and I had an argument, but he did manage to take the oldest 4 on the kayak for the first time and we had hotdogs on the grill.  And we resolved our conflict.  :). 

So today is the kids first day of summer break.  They have all of June off and will start back in July.  I start my summer stats grad class today.  Eeks.  

Our room view 
Breakfast and coffee place at our hotel 

Cubs May schedule on the board in the hotel lobby 
Cold baby 


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