
Showing posts from December, 2021

Merry Christmas

 I hope Christmas was wonderful at your house.  We had my Dad here.  Attended candlelight service on Christmas Eve and went to dinner at Asbling on the Lough in Kenosha.  They have THE BEST food!  They also had a wood burning stove going and Santa Claus so it felt very Christmas-ey.  Christmas Day we spent time at home all day.  Tried a few new recipes - egg bake that was prepared the night before and left to set in the fridge till morn, a Crockpot chicken pot pie, and a chocolate pie from Pioneer Woman.  All was good and not too much work :) The kids enjoyed their gifts.  They got subscriptions to Kiwi Co and will be getting a crate in the mail each month.  They are enjoying their books, puzzles, and Lego too!   Here is Natalie enjoying (and bathing in) her chocolate pie lol :)  And here is our first stickable snow at the new house.  We got close to two inches.  

The girls Here’s Jessica and Addison singing at church today.  All the kiddos did a great job.  We enjoyed seeing our amazing wonderful friends from Tennessee yesterday.  Their kids are good friends with our boys and we surprised our boys.  That was funny to see when they went to answer the door and saw them.  It was pretty sweet.   That’s it for now. 

Over here

 I finished my master’s class for this semester and am off for a little over a month!  Yay!  Super excited for that!   Here’s some photos with Santa.  We went to the saw mill in Antioch.  Natalie was not a fan and would not sit on Santa’s lap.  Lucas wasn’t too sure about it either.  We couldn’t get Jessica and Addison away from him!  HA!   That’s about it around here.  Getting ready for Christmas time and doing Christmas-ey things; drinking eggnog, watching Christmas movies, ordering Christmas cards, shopping, etc etc.  But not making it stressful this year.  Well, hope to not be any way.   Photo by Hailey  I leave with this.  I did a bucket list of places I would like to visit in each of the 50 states and then places in each country (not every country in the world is on my list; some we do not desire to visit) I would like to visit.  It was fun to do, my kind of thing, and also a form of therapy during a rough time.  Any way, we decided to write each country and state on little strip