Hello There

 First, a little bit about myself.  I am 40 (as of July!) and I have been married to my love for 15 years.  We have eight children together, ages 11 years to 3 months.  I am also a registered nurse, but I’m not working right now.  Instead, I’m in grad school pursuing my nurse educator degree.  I LOVE coffee and travel.  Anything pink.  Sports.  Go Dawgs, Bucs, Lightning, and Braves!!!  I’m a Southern gal if you couldn’t tell by my teams.  I love a good Hallmark movie.  Family time and outdoor time is peaceful (usually) and I can’t imagine going a day without spending time in the morning with God and a hot cup of coffee.  I don’t like to cook, but I love to eat! And music.  It helps me in all kinds of emotional conditions.  If only I had a pretty voice.  It doesn’t stop me from singing though.  

So, next up....the purpose of this blog!  First I will tell you what I WON’T talk about.  Politics.  I have a passion for it and an opinion about it, but it’s not what I want discussed here.  

Here IS what my purpose is.......

To share my life story and that through it all there was and is grace.  Grace when I turned my back on God, grace when I didn’t deserve Him, grace as a sinner, grace through my salvation, and grace now.  I want to a share with you the love of the Father.  It has taken me a long time to even slightly understand how much He loves us.  I still have difficulties in trusting him.  I was saved with my husband in 2007 and I think I am just now coming out of darkness and into the light.  And I still stumble and struggle each and every single day.  God has been so patient with me, through all the tears, hurts, sin, anger, you name it.  He stays.  This is about grace.  And maybe I can share some laughter along the way because that happens around here, too.  As the Lord leads, I will probably post other things, too, about motherhood, organization (love it!), and other things I’ve gleaned that may be a blessing.  

The biggest thing is I am not special or more deserving of God’s grace.  It is a precious gift given to all of us.  It’s yours.  Grab a hold of it.  He will show you how much he loves you.  


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