The Rest of Us

I thought since you knew a little bit about me that I’d introduce the rest of my family.  First up!  My loving, God fearing husband.  He loves Chicago teams and the Tennessee Vols.  He shares in my love of coffee and travel (thankfully!).  And he is a former Marine and current mechanical engineer for the VA.  
This is Hunter, our 2nd born.  He is 9.  He loves Auburn football (we are still wondering why) and he plays the piano beautifully.  He takes his time and likes to get things just right.  He’s smart and an adventurous food eater!  He ate a kangaroo burger in Connecticut!
OH little Jessica!  She is 3 and 6th in line.  She is wild and crazy and a ball of energy and she makes herself known.  Unless of course she has disappeared somewhere, which is often.  At least a few times a day, I will be asking “Where’s Jessica?”  She is not scared of venturing off and she will hug strangers.  Yikes!
New precious #8 Natalie.  I could write a book on all the blessings she has already brought to our family.  She is 3 months.  And as a baby should, she loves eating, sleeping, and smiling and cuddling.  
Little Lucas is #7 and he just turned 2.  Another child we could write a book on because of the journey we’ve been on with this little guy.  He is a miracle and I will tell you many stories about him another time.    He just loves to smile and laugh and he is really loud, most likely trying to be louder than the crowd!
Our first born, Ryan, which hilariously means “little King” and indeed he is.  He loves life.  He loves to talk.  He loves to have fun.  He loves people.  He loves adventure.  He also likes to evangelize.  And I can’t believe it, but he’s 11.  
Addison is one of our rainbow babies (so is Natalie).  Addison is #5 and she lives in her own world, which I’m pretty sure is full of rainbows and unicorns.  She is a sweet, quiet soul and 100% girl.  She’s 4.  
Hailey is 4th in line and our first girl!  She’s 6 and she is a mini me.  That’s probably why we butt heads sometimes.  She’s also a bit like Ryan because she loves to talk and is all smiles.  She’s also very sweet and thoughtful.  She likes playing with her brothers and her sisters and is part tomboy and the rest girly.  
Andrew - Our third boy and I’ll admit I have a sweet spot for him, but he’s always been with mama.  He has slowly started growing up too quickly though and doesn’t hang with me as much as he used too.  He loves trains and all 8 of his birthdays have included a train ride.  He’s pretty funny too and he doesn’t even try to be.  

There ya have it!  Our family.  Well, I didn’t include our two cats, Autumn and Scarlet.  I’m sure they’ll make the blog some time.  I will part with this.......Scarlet goes for walks with us.  She will follow behind us when we walk our neighborhood and she’ll meow the whole time.  Anyone that passes by will say “is that your cat!?” Uh, yes, yes it is.  :)  But even funnier.  We used to have 3 cats years ago and those cats would also follow us on walks.  Don’t ask!


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