Tuesday Thoughts

 1.  It’s National Coffee Day and well that’s just a good thing.  Not like the day will be any different, but it’s still fun to say.  :). I’ve celebrated by drinking two cups so far, which also happens everyday.

2.  Today is our last day of homeschool.  We will be on fall break until the 14th.  We like to take all of June and December off and then a couple of weeks here and there throughout the year.  

3.  I realized Sunday morning as we were sitting down to have Bible time and coffee before heading off to church that I was two days late on an assignment for my grad school.  I’m attempting to get a degree in nurse educator.  That was really stressful and especially because I hadn’t even started the readings yet.  I stayed home from church while Sean took the kids and praise the Lord I got all the readings done and the assignment within a few hours.  Not sure if I’ll get points taken from a late assignment.  

4.  It feels like fall here.  The air is crisp and cool.  I LOVE fall and it’s my favorite season.  We have our own stand up popcorn maker so the kids made honey caramel corn for the first time.  It was good, but the optional cinnamon they put in, well, they should have opted out.  And they over measured it.  PSLs, pumpkin patches, football, cool sunny days, leaf colors, fall treats - I enjoy it all.

5.  Speaking of sports - GO LIGHTNING!  STANLEY CUP CHAMPS!  And we are full force football around here with a Bears fan, me a Bucs fan, me a GA fan, TN fan, Alabama fan, Auburn fan, LSU fan.  Yikes!  And there’s still baseball on!

6.  God is working on pruning bad fruit.  I finally realized that it’s my issue with fear.  John 15:4 Abide in me, and I in you.  As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.  It’s painful to go through pruning I think, but I have hope that with God’s help it will happen and I will be better for it.   

7.  I am back to my MOMs Bible study group with church, but zooming it this time.  I am excited about the study.  It’s called Mom Set Free.  This morning I may have read 3 pages and it was already eye opening.  

8.  Hunter got a scholarship for piano and he is starting virtual lessons this week.  We are so excited.  He used to take lessons back in Tennessee and he is talented.  

9.  Frustrated with Lucas.  With all my heart, I want to see this child walk and talk and eat food!  I feel so impatient about it all.  I really wish we could get some help with it because we feel helpless.....we just don’t know how to help him.  

10.  God is kind, loving, gentle, a helper, a friend, our Father.  The enemy loves to inject anxiety, fear, worry, anger, you name it into our daily.  Don’t listen!  

11.  Change is taking one baby step at a time.  

12.  It may now be time to celebrate National Coffee Day with another cup of coffee.  Wink Wink 


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