Bad day

 It’s mildly strange how writing has become therapeutic for me, especially since I am not that fond of it. Or at least I thought I wasn’t.  I still don’t have any idea what I am supposed to do with the book I had started writing.  I am really stuck with why God wanted me to start writing it and when to start back with trying to finish it.  I have taken a break.  In the meantime, this writing seems to help and hopefully someone somewhere on this planet is also blessed by it.  

Have you ever tried to have a good day? Like really really tried.  I mean c’mon, it’s Saturday!!!  BUT you don’t.  Things don’t go the right way or how you wanted them to go.  Negative emotions show up and hang around all day.  Moods set in that aren’t pleasant.  Muscles are tense.  Everyone and everything seems to aggravate you.  And you fight it.  You really want to be in a good mood.  And then comes the shame and guilt for having a bad day.  You don’t feel like you’re measuring up.  You’re not being perfect.  You aren’t in control.  And God must be getting angry about you and your bad day.  This is my day today.  Maybe you can relate.  

Then I realized.  Maybe this is just the day I was supposed to have.  In these moments, I tend to realize something or grow in some small way.  I learn something.  I don’t think God intends for us to suffer through bad days, but I do think He can use any day and every day for His purposes and plans.  And He can  still turn it for good.  And see now it’s the end of the day and I have turned it to good because He came before me and made it good.  Even when it was bad it was still good.  I was still blessed.  


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