Monday, Monday

 Happy Monday!  We took the family to the Racine Zoo this past Saturday.  I’ve been told we are experiencing our Indian Summer right now, which means the weather is gorgeous!  All last week we had temps in the 70s and it is continuing today and tomorrow.  I have also been told that this will be the end of our warmth!  And winter is right around the corner!!!!  The zoo is right on Lake Michigan and again I just can’t say enough how pretty it was.  The lake still amazes me at the enormity of it!!!  I can’t get over the fact that it looks more like an ocean and less like a lake.  

Today, back to the grind.  Sean is already at work and I am getting some quiet time with the baby.  The house is still and the other kids are still warm and cozy off in dream land.  This does not happen often!  Jessica is usually awake.  I am enjoying my Bible time and my coffee.  We ease back into Mondays so today we do “TV School”, which means as of right now we are watching Adventures in Odyssey, Weird But True, Colleen Kelly Travel Show, and we sing a song and pray and the kiddos take notes while watching their educational programs.  I think we all like TV School.  We also do family night on Monday nights and then after the kids go to bed, Sean and I have special coffee night.  I think for family night tonight we are going to play the M&M game,  which is something I found online.  For special coffee, Starbucks Mochas with whipped cream.  Whipped cream is something I could live on.  I don’t know why I love it so much.  Yum.  Delish.  The little Monday night rituals help us begin our week.

Uh-oh I hear stirring!!!! My time of quiet and warm coffee is coming to an end!  To close, I was reading some notes in my Bible this morning from a devo I had done a while back.  It comes from Exodus 34:6-7. It takes a lifetime for a Christian to replace what he thinks of God with who God really is.  Many sermons and many trials help us to see who God really is:  Merciful, slow to anger, gracious, faithful.  Because of sin, our minds tend to have us believe that God is dark, but the remedy is repetitive exposures to the gospel.  The enemy delights in having us believe that Gods heart, God’s love, is dark.  This is a lie.  


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