The past is the past

I wanted to share this article.  It really spoke to me yesterday.  I struggle with my past often and I like to marinate in it for way to long, almost as a form of punishment because I think subconsciously I don’t feel I deserve any better.  I feel guilty when I have good days and when I experience joy.  I think I have to stay in my struggles and can’t have the freedom and victory.  A victim mindset I suppose.  

Any way, reading through this article I was thinking how yes I have painful memories that will surface and I can acknowledge them and stay there for a bit, but then I need to get back to the present and focus on moving forward with God because He has new things for me.  Also a good reminder to certainly remember all God has done for me to get me through the difficult stuff of life and that He never left me and that He is continually working on me to conform me to His image.  And this is what He does for all of us with all the patience in the world.  

Finally, my husband pointed out the perspective the author took in this writing.  Or should I say, she started to look at things from a new perspective.  I would like to ask God to help me do this, as well. 


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