This weekend

 We took the kids trick-or-treating yesterday.  We learned last year that they schedule trick-or-treating around here so we had gone on like October 27th from 2-5.  It was different, but it worked out well because it was gorgeous that day, but on Halloween it was snowing.  Where I’m from everyone just went on Halloween.  Any way, this year, it was from 2-5 on Halloween.  People could place signs out that were from the city that state whether or not they were participating in handing out candy or not.  Everyone had to wear masks.  So some houses had the yes! Signs and some had the no! Signs.  The ones that had the yes signs came up with creative COVID-friendly ways to give the kids candy.  We saw one house use a kiddie slide to slide the candy down to kids.  Another house strung a rope across their front yard and taped candy along the rope that the kids could grab.  One house used one of those grabber things on a stick and handed it out that way.  Lots of people had tables set up outside with candy and hand sanitizer.  

It was just different.  It was really hard not to cry.  This season we are in.  It’s tough and sad.  For everyone. 

But you know what?  The kids were totally un-phased by it and really had a good time.  So I guess that’s the important thing.  One house even put out tote bags for each kid and they decorated each tote bag and then filled it with candy and toys.  It was pretty amazing.  I think it was in the spirit of trying to put smiles on kiddos faces.  It worked!  

Where we live, indoor dining just closed down again yesterday.  It’s just depressing.  

And today has been a different kind of day, too.  We were about to leave for church when the baby had a blow out and needed a bath so we were late for service.  We also only had 3 masks and needed 8.  Then after service, our 3-year-old Jessica wouldn’t put her shoes and socks back on (why did she take them off to begin with?).  And she also likes to run away.  Which she did.  She left all of us and ran outside barefoot in 30 degree weather with heavy winds, right into the parking lot.  Embarrassing.  

Then we had a drive by COVID friendly birthday party to go to, but when we got there, there were a ton of people hanging out outside so we thought maybe we didn’t understand the invitation so we turned around and went home and got masks and coats and came back.  We all got out and hung out for a little bit, but come to find out we were initially correct.  It was a drive by party, but some of their family members had decided to congregate outside, which gave others the impression that it was a stop and get out kind of party.  Oh super embarrassing.  And we rent our house from the people who had the birthday party.  Double embarrassing.

So yeah, that’s our weekend.  It’s like we are stars in some kind of comedy sitcom this weekend.  And everyone is laughing.  At us.    

BUT I have good news to leave with.........God loves us even when we are having our worst moments.  Because of GRACE.  And through our weaknesses, He can show His strength.  If we let Him.  In our weakness, is when He works best because His glory shines through our brokenness.  

And when we ask for wisdom, He will pour out the Holy Spirit on us.

AND obedience to Him should be because we love Him and He loves us, not because we feel we have to or we need to earn His love through good works.  No way can we do that.  Doesn’t matter how good we are, we don’t deserve His love or mercy or grace.  It’s because of Christ that we are forgiven.  We are loved.  we are given grace, grace, and more grace.  Infinite wonderful grace.  

Cat and mouse :) 

The pizza costume received multiple comments :) 
This little guy starts speech/feeding therapy this Tuesday virtually.  We will see how that all works out.  He also does PT/OT virtually.  It’s challenging to do it that way, but hoping it helps him.  We are excited for the speech and feeding therapy though.  We would love to see him start eating and talking.  Please Lord, please.  


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