
We do “weeks” around here, where each child gets their special week, so like right now it is Andrew’s week, but last week it was Hailey’s.  We usually start when it is their first birthday, because right now every week is Natalie’s week!!! During a child’s week, they get to pick things like where to sit in the van, what to watch on TV for the whole group, special food treats, special outings, getting to get out of the van to run errands, special trips if we were to have one and weren’t taking the whole family, etc.  Then, on Wednesday nights, the one who is having their week gets Buddy Time.  So they get a special treat of their choice and then they get to stay up late with mom and dad to do something of their choice like a game or a  movie.  During the child’s week they also get special phone calls/FaceTime with their grandparents.  The purpose is to make each child feel special and to have one/two on one bonding time.  AND to cut down on arguments among the children!

Any way I say all this because during Hailey’s week last week, I took her to get her haircut and she wanted a lollipop afterwards, but they don’t do that anymore because of COVID so we ran over to Target and got her some crayons for the tub.  This is her and Addison’s artwork one of the nights......Hailey and Addison best friends forever (just spelled slightly different).  Warms my heart!  I won’t ever know the sister bond because I am an only child, but I am blessed to see it amongst our girls and likewise to see the brotherly bond with our boys. 


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