Colorado Christmas

 We bravely (ha ha) took all 10 of us on an airplane to Colorado for a week for Christmas.  Amazingly enough, the flight there was uncomplicated and a breeze.  

We really had a good time visiting Sean’s family, too.  We went shopping, spent lots of family time together. Explored Manitou Springs, went to Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, a park, and took lots of walks.  We also got to see some snow and visited a couple of local coffee shops.  The kids all really enjoyed their time there, as well, and everyone mostly behaved.  

The way back - we got in about midnight.  I slept until 845 this morning!!!!!  Our flight was delayed an hour because of snow in Chicago and we had quite the time with checking in, security, and boarding, but we got in safely.  The roads were really bad all the way to our house from the airport, but thankful Sean has icy/snowy road driving experience!!!!   

Missing everyone back in CO, but also happy to be home. 

Manitou Springs 

The zoo 

Baby’s first Christmas 


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