It’s the New Year!  I think everyone on the planet is hoping for a better year than 2020.  And even though it was hard on all of us, and certainly harder for some than others, let us not forget God’s love and care for us.  Even in the most difficult times.  He does have us in mind and He is always near to us.  He will help us if we seek His face. 

In the spirit of the newness of the year, I am usually one to make resolutions.  Probably too many.  And most fall by the wayside.  This year I am going to focus on grace.  Receiving grace.  Giving grace.  Not being so down on myself when I stumble.  Not being critical of others when they stumble.  If expectations are not met, it’s ok.  It’s going to be ok.  

For our kids, they had some good ones.  Ryan’s I won’t say, it might embarrass him.  Hunter vows to buy a Georgia Bulldogs shirt, Hailey wants to climb a tree everyday, Jessica wants to eat more (ha ha), and Addison wants to be breakfast, lunch, and dinner helper for the year.  I can’t remember what Andrew’s was.  Sean, well, he wants to be a better husband!  Awwww!! 

One thing Sean and I noticed though is the amount of rules and schedules and order we have created in the house.  There are assigned morning chores, breakfast chores, weekly chores.  There are assigned weeks and buddy times, assigned van seating, assignments on who picks TV programs, assigned shower schedules for the boys, scheduled phone times and bed times, scheduled kitchen helpers, scheduled snow nights, etc etc.  Need I go on!?  So this year we are scrapping the schedules, doing away with the assignments.  I think all these schedules and assignments came about because arguments were constant so if there was a plan for it all, no more arguments amongst the associates right?  Wrong.  They still argue!  So instead let’s mix it up and rely on God more.  Trust in Him with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.  Pro 3:5-6

So while some may be vowing to incorporate schedules into their lives.  To make plans.  To create assignments.  To eat less.  Not us!  We are doing away with the perfectly created ideals of how the day should go and instead we are going to let go and let God.  And eat more food.  Because who doesn’t like a Jessica New Year’s Resolution!!!  


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