Our Family - January

 A little family update since it’s been awhile.  

Ryan is still busy with doing Salt and Light through our church on Tuesday nights and really enjoys the worship and fellowship.  Other than that, him and his brothers are into Dungeons and Dragons. 

Hunter is doing virtual piano lessons and it is so much fun listening to him play!  

Andrew started Kid Trek on Wednesday nights at church and he is also working on getting baptized soon.  

Hailey starts back to swim next month after the pool was closed due to COVID.  Hoping she will be able to fully know how to swim soon! 

Addison just had her 5th birthday yesterday.  I am going to start teaching her how to read soon.  :) 

Jessica still hasn’t potty trained!  Yikes!!!  Lol 

Lucas - he moved down to the basement with the boys and I think he is really liking sharing a room with them.  He is off all tube feeds and now we are only using it for fluids because he still doesn’t drink anything by mouth.  He is doing so much better with puréed.  He still doesn’t eat solids or feed himself.  We put a hold on all of his therapies for now because they are still all zoom and not in person.  Next up, we are seeing about getting him into school when he turns 3 in September.  

Natalie is sitting up and army crawling.  She will get up on hands and knees, too, but doesn’t go anywhere.  She is doing great with eating baby food. 

Sean is probably still recovering from his long weekend of having the 7 children while Natalie and I were in California!  He even babysat for two other children during that time.  Super Dad!  

I am back in grad school after Christmas break.  My trip to California really renewed my spirit and gave me time to think about and hear from God about having peace, trusting Him, enjoying my family, enjoying myself, and not being so busy.  It was nice to see the anxiety and stress melt away.  I really missed my husband and children, too, (although I did enjoy the break) and it has been special to reunite! 

Sean and I after much, much prayer have decided to sign another 2 year lease on our home that we are renting.  The owners offered to sell it to us for a really good price, but we have decided, hopefully with how God was guiding us, to pay more in rent each month!!! We don’t know how long God would like for us to live in Illinois, but we have not felt like we are supposed to be purchasing a home here.  We have made quite a few property mistakes in the past and certainly did not want to do that again.  I do know Sean would like another 2 years at his job so he will become a permanent employee and can transfer within the system and not lose his pay grade.  We are starting to keep our eyes open for VA jobs in California, Florida, and Colorado so that we would be closer to one of our parents.  Now we are hoping to patiently wait and see how the Lord wants us to go about it.  


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