Ryan Nicholas

Our precious Ryan.  He is 11 years old now and boy has he started to have some real thoughtful questions and ponderings (if that’s a word).  


How he wants to spend time with me and Sean because time is so short and he wants to make sure he gets good quality time with us.  

How he spent a 20 minute car ride telling me all the things he loves about me!  

He is concerned about time going by too fast!  I told him he is not supposed to feel that way until he is an adult.  Childhood as I recall went really slow!  I tried to tell him to learn from the past, live in the moment, and anticipate the future.  

He has questions about death and eternity and God and Jesus dying on the cross for our sins.  

He wants to be assured of his salvation.  

He has been purposing to have great character.  

This mama is proud.  This mama is slightly surprised by his thoughts and questions and worries and concerns.   How does this happen?!   He’s growing up!  I have also noticed how he watches me and he is watching how I respond, how I handle life.  I only hope he can see Jesus through me more often than not.  


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