Ryan’s allergies

   The sun is shining here today, which is appreciated after a pretty wet weekend.  We’ve got lawn care over doing some spring yard work so we are all excited about that.  It’s looking good.  

Saturday, Ryan and I went off on an adventure to the allergist.  A few months back, he was peeling shrimp and his forearms broke out in hives.  This was unusual, as he loves shrimp and had never had a problem with it.  His pediatrician wanted him to get skin testing done.  Poor guy sat with the various panels on his back as he broke out in huge hives to the things he reacted to and he couldn’t even itch it.  He did great, though, even though he was slightly nervous.  Come to find out he is allergic to trees (maple and birch), ragweed, grasses, dust, and cats.   He did not react to shellfish so in a few weeks we are headed back for an oral food challenge test where he will eat shrimp in the office to see if he reacts to it.  He has really been hoping and praying that he can still eat what he loves.  It is such a testimony to God’s goodness.  The way his back reacted was terrible, however, in daily life he is really not even bothered by the things he is allergic to.  And we have grass, trees, weed, dust, and cats!  We didn’t even bring him in to the office for any of those things, she just mentioned adding those panels because he has had a bit of sneezing and congestion over the past couple of weeks.  Afterwards we went to lunch just me and him and that was a really sweet time. 

That evening we went for ice cream for Sean’s winner treat for winning the March Madness bracket and beating the rest of us.  Even Addison and Jessica did better than me I think!  Lol 

Yesterday Addison started her first day at swim!  She was nervous at first, but she did a great job.  The rest of the day and past dinner we watched Sean’s coworker/friend’s  kids so he and his wife could have a date day.  They have two boys Ryan and Andrew’s ages so they all had fun with that. 

That’s about it over here.  In my spiritual walk, the Lord has really been working on me and clearing out idols in my life.  Things I had not even noticed.  Like did you know control and perfectionism can be idols?  I had never thought of it like that, but I certainly have had them.  I’m still having to release them daily, maybe sometimes hourly.  I also have had the perfect child idol.  Why do I sometimes find it so hard to let go, trust God, and just be walking in the spirit.  But thank the Lord he meets me where I’m at (he does for all of us) and cares enough to keep working on me and molding me into what He wants me to be.  


  1. I saw you went to a doctor near Glenview (Saw the photos from The Glen). If you want to get a second opinion go see Dr. Detjen in Kenilworth, which is not too far from Glenview. I love the Glen and want to try the new restaurant serving cuisine from the USSR. Hope you get some answers on Ryan's allergies.

  2. Thank you for the referral! I really enjoyed that area. We are still so new here and just having fun exploring.


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