Family update

 Since my birthday post, we had a 3 day neighborhood wide garage sale, which we did Ok with.  The kids became quite the little salespeople.  

Addison has learned how to ride her bike without training wheels!  And we removed Lucas’ feeding tube.  He still will just eat puréed foods that we spoon feed him, but he will drink enough from a sippie cup that we felt like we didn’t need the tube any more.  

I finished my stats class early and with an A and was even able to skip an assignment!  I actually really enjoyed stats, which is crazy because the other two times I took it, I did not enjoy it at all.  I am happy to be on a school break now. 

We have had some drama with getting into our new home, mostly with the contract and what not, but we are supposed to close on the 28th and move the 29th.  We will see!  I think everyone is excited and ready to move in.  

Personally, an ongoing close to 13 year on again off again trial has really shed light on my relationship with God.  How little I trust.  How selfish I am.  How my praise and worship lacks. How much fear I have had.  How much it has had an impact on our marriage and our family.  The trial picked up again recently and I guess through it all I guess I am glad to have had my eyes opened to the holes in my spiritual life.  There has been a lot of anger with God and bitterness.  I am not sure where to go from here in my relationship with the Lord, but I know I do desire a relationship with Him.  I just don’t know where I am in my walk with Him right now.  I think I may have a little hope that things will work out and they will be better than before, but then I start to doubt.  

I will leave you with some pictures from Ryan’s camp a few weeks back. 


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