My birthday

 Today is my 41st birthday, but I’ll back up to last Saturday.  That was my birthday outing day.  So I chose to go to Lake Geneva, WI with the family.  Sean had taken me for our anniversary, but that was in February and it was super cold and the lake was frozen and it was snowing a bunch.  So I had said then that we’d have to go back when it was warm and so we did.  We went to lunch and walked by the lake and went in the shops.  And got coffee.  :). And by the way I loved our anniversary in case it sounded like I didn’t!

Today Sean and the kiddos threw me a party and we ate dinner and had Nothing Bundt Cake Bundlets.  They decorated it all pirate-y for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers (my favorite football team) and Ryan actually gave me $70 of his own money to get something special for the new house.  I could’ve believe it!  I felt bad taking it, but I didn’t want to offend the giver so I did.  

It was a good day after all, because a lot of today was rough and I had a lot of fear and anxiety.  The Lord was faithful to remind me about letting the Holy Spirit take over and that I can’t do it in my own strength. I know He did not create me to live in fear like I do and that I don’t want to believe the enemy’s lies.  I don’t want to miss out on God’s purpose for my life.  Here’s to the 41st year of life!


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