
Showing posts from August, 2021

Promised Land

  Last Sunday we were able to go to the Promised Land lol in Wisconsin.  We have a homeschool sports group in our area that we have thought about joining in the future and they were hosting, so we went.  Hunter won first place in archery and has never even done archery before in his life.  The kids enjoyed lots of swimming and boating in the spring fed lake.  It was a beautifully day.  I definitely was on high alert with all the kids around water so I was not able to relax really, but they had a lot of fun and we all made it home safely thankfully!   We also unpacked our very last box last Saturday and organized the garage so that was awesome!!!!!    If I didn’t mention already, I started back to grad school, so things are a little busier, but the kids have I think a two week break from school after tomorrow.  Other than that, we have been busy with dental appointments and yard work and low grade fevers!  

Last overnight

 Last weekend was our last overnight trip, ending with Jessica and Ryan (and our tag-a-long Natalie).  I was a little sad that they were coming to an end.  The kids already this past week have been talking about their overnights and reminiscing, as have Sean and I.  Sooo I think the plan worked!  To make memories, spend time together, and have fun, while crossing things off the bucket list.  :).  We took Jessica and Ryan to The Pfister  Hotel in Milwaukee.  Our room overlooked downtown and the lake.  It is a hotel that is 128 years old so it had a ton of character.  Friday night we ate at the Public Market and I had delicious fish and shrimp tacos.  We went swimming in the hotel pool overlooking the city a couple of times, ate breakfast at the hotel and then headed off to the Wisconsin State Fair.  We had a little rain, but it wasn’t too bad.  we didn’t really eat any crazy fair food, just creme puffs, which they are known for, gyros, and curds.  It was a good time.   Today we met Sean

Andrew baptism

Moving on

  We moved in last Thursday and all went relatively smooth!  Now we are busy unpacking boxes, but I see a light at the end of the tunnel.  Or in our case, I am able to see the garage now instead of brown boxes everywhere!  We are loving our new home and can’t believe we are here!   Last Friday was a crazy day!  Natalie was bit by a hornet and had to go to urgent care, which thankfully is less than 5 minutes from our house.  Her arm was all red and swollen and we weren’t sure what happened so our pediatrician instructed us to take her to urgent care.  It’s there that we were told it was probably a hornet.  She is doing much better now.   Then Friday night we headed down to Navy Pier with Andrew, Hailey, and Natalie for our next overnight.  We had a gorgeous hotel room right on the pier.  We basically just hung out there and our hotel the whole time.  Saturday we went to the Chicago Children’s Museum, too.  We enjoyed ourselves.   Our room  Hailey called this “God’s Chair” - lol not sure