
Hello there, 

I had my surgery on Tuesday - a hysterectomy.  Everything went well and I was able to go home same day.  I will say it was extra hard to go all by myself to the hospital because Sean wasn’t able to go with me because of hospital COVID rules.  Surgery was delayed about two hours.  I was really nervous.  OK frightened.  But God brought along some wonderful staff to help me remain a little calmer.  I tried to waste time watching Food Network and My 600-lb Life - both poor choices - food while fasting and OR scenes right before heading into one myself.  My doctor said they really had to jump through hoops to even get me in there (also because of COVID stuff), but I’m so thankful God allowed it all to happen and that my doctor advocated for me.  He knows my history physically, mentally, emotionally in regards to 12 years of bleeding (as my therapist puts it) so thankfully he went to bat for me.  I’ve been sore, but am doing well so far and busy relaxing in bed.  And it looks like I finally got some answers.  Pathology report showed that I had adenomyosis.  So it looks like I may get some physical healing, but I know I still have a journey towards mental/emotional healing from anxiety and PTSD from all the bleeding and miscarriages and hemorrhages and surgeries etc over 12 plus years.  I am hoping and praying for a road to recovery now.  I was a little sad to close the chapter on having babies, but I know that it was just time to stop.  We couldn’t handle it anymore.  And what a miracle.  God blessed us with 8 children, when all other signs pointed to me not being able to successfully carry pregnancies on many levels. 

OK, that was serious, so I will leave with this……………

OK, just too adorable!!!!  Connor is on the left!  He is almost ready to come home and meet his family!  

My bed buddy (buddies).  :) 


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