
Showing posts from April, 2022

Lots :)

North Point Lighthouse in MIL, WI.  I climbed to the top, but not the first time I attempted to.  I got scared because of the ladder at the end, to get up into the watch tower part, but the second time around my sweet hubby helped me and was my cheerleader.  :)  Miss Jessica turned 5 this week! Lake Michigan from North Point Lighthouse  Playground in Milwaukee.  I can’t remember what it was called.  Maybe in the river district?  Any way, it was definitely different.  A playground made to look like shipping containers in the middle of an industrial park.  It was kinda neat though.   Boots-e-boots.  That’s all I have to say about this.  :) Near the lighthouse  We went to lunch at Stone Bowl Grill in Milwaukee.  It’s a Korean restaurant.  First time having real ramen.  It was so yummy!   We did the Pabst Mansion tour.  It is so beautiful inside.  A must see! Giggles, smiles, and silliness.   Birthday girl :)  My beautiful mama is visiting from Cali.   Love. Of. My. Life.  View from the to

Happs and whatnot

  Took these 3 to the parade and egg hunt in Antioch.  It was chilly!  Natalie’s hands were freezing and she wouldn’t let me help her.  This guy was at our mailbox.  I did not know that turtles had tails like this.  It kinda, ok did, gross me out.  Our oldest boys did a flashlight egg hunt.   Little bit  Lucas is finally out of a pack-n-play and in a toddler bed.   Yeah, her hands were really cold.   Wolf ears :) 

Dancing babes


Good Saturday

We went on the electric streetcar in Kenosha.  It is super cheap, but even more so yesterday.  It was free.  :). We forgot to pull the cord to have the streetcar stop the first time so we went on the 2 mile loop twice.  Lol  Coffee time  he’s getting so so big   I don’t know if I said, but I am going to stop going to grad school after this semester and I also got a job.  Will be working four 12s a month at a rehab facility.  We were also certified to be a host family through Safe Families for Children and we are excited about that.  Lots of changes, but exciting at the same time.  


Andrew, Hailey, Hunter, and Addison had a crash yesterday while riding one bike and two scooters.  Hunter got the worst of it and his face looks bad, but he also probably sprained his wrist.  Andrew got his knee pretty good and hands.  Addison really got her hands good.  Hailey’s was very minor, just her hand and elbow.  Thankfully it wasn’t worse.  It was interesting tending to four kiddos and their injuries at once!   And this.  Yay!  Random Autumn :) Snow last Saturday!  

Little more

  Things I love (or hate), hobbies, what I enjoy, prefer, ya, ya, ya 💝 :   I love God. I love my husband. I love my children.  I love my parents.  I love my extended family.  I love my friends.  Those were easy! Oh and I love our pets - 2 cats - Scarlet and Autumn, and our Weimaraner, Connor.  Coffee.  Need.  I. Say. More? Travel.  My heart’s desire is to see the world.   I love experiences.  Explore around our town, to going to the park, to a day drive up in Wisconsin or down to Chicago.  I just love seeing things and experiencing things.  Eating.  A lot of what we do as a family revolves around what, where, and when we will be eating.   And to add to that I love going out to eat from diners to fancy restaurants to delis to coffee shops.  All good for me.  Outdoors.  I love being outdoors.  Especially when it is warm.   Buying and shopping local. Animals.  In our house.  At the zoo.  In the wild.  Birds, fish.  I love them all.  But I will add that I hate snakes.