
Showing posts from December, 2020

Colorado Christmas

 We bravely (ha ha) took all 10 of us on an airplane to Colorado for a week for Christmas.  Amazingly enough, the flight there was uncomplicated and a breeze.   We really had a good time visiting Sean’s family, too.  We went shopping, spent lots of family time together. Explored Manitou Springs, went to Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, a park, and took lots of walks.  We also got to see some snow and visited a couple of local coffee shops.  The kids all really enjoyed their time there, as well, and everyone mostly behaved.   The way back - we got in about midnight.  I slept until 845 this morning!!!!!  Our flight was delayed an hour because of snow in Chicago and we had quite the time with checking in, security, and boarding, but we got in safely.  The roads were really bad all the way to our house from the airport, but thankful Sean has icy/snowy road driving experience!!!!    Missing everyone back in CO, but also happy to be home.  Manitou Springs  The zoo  Baby’s first Christmas 


 We had our family Christmas this past Saturday since we are flying out to Colorado tomorrow........... I got Sean the USMC flag for Christmas and thankfully my long awaited vision for putting a flag in the pole off the side of the house was realized!!!!! Back in April, I believe, I ordered a flag for Sean that was to be flown over the capital on his birthday (June 23).  It was hard enough to find a rep or senator that was still doing it because of COVID, but I did.  However, the flag was not flown over the capitol on his birthday.  It was some time way after that and he knew about his gift  before it even finally arrived some time in August because they called him about the order (I must have given them his number instead of mine).  Apparently they did not even have this flag size in stock so there were multiple phone calls, etc. to get the order settled and flown over the cap and sent to us.  And then if that weren’t enough craziness, this is what it looked like when it arrived!!!!  

Christmases Past

 I used to have another blog and I was going back and reminiscing over old photos from past Christmases. It was really nice to see all the years we spent with family.  I have been thinking about that lately.  The importance of family and how I really hope and pray our kiddos stay near us as they grow up and move out.  I understand life happens and they have to have their own lives, but I really regret being so far away from all of our parents.  It’s a little lonely.  Any way, these pictures are from 2009.  Ryan was 7-8 months old.  We were really busy!  We went to ICE at Gaylord in Orlando, to Colorado, to my grandma’s house in FL (where we lived at the time), and I had the stomach flu.  Shew!  I really REALLY miss my grandparents.   In 2010, we went to Arizona to see my mom and grandpa Mike.  We also had a tree at our house that had all the decorations up top because of a mobile Ryan who loved to play with the ornaments!!!   In 2011, we went to Disney for close to a week.  What a memo


 For a few years now I have been doing journal/keepsake books for each child that they can have when they move out.  We actually have two plastic bins in the garage filled with memories for each kiddo to take with them and do with it as they please.   So I have been working on a journal and prayer book for Hailey since around springtime.  I had a handful of blank pages left and I thought it would be neat for her to add some things to it so she can look back when she is all grown up and  see what she was doing/thinking about/drawing when she was six.   I happened took pick it up today and found something that made my mama heart really sad.  She writes: “The Lord is good.  Be as good as you can.  Love is good.  You’re a good person if you act good for your mom and dad”.   Oh no!  I do not want my children to think that if they are good enough that they can earn our love.  And unfortunately that is oftentimes how I act towards my Heavenly Father.  I think if I am perfect and have it all u


 My mom and I went on a mother/daughter trip back in the early 2000s.  One of those stops included St Marys, GA where my mom met a man named Mike.  They really hit it off and a few years later she moved from the mountains of Georgia to the beaches in Southern Georgia to be with him and eventually marry him.   I was in a terrible relationship with a guy and we lived together in his house.  He was abusive physically on a few occasions and he was very controlling and also into drugs.  I eventually had had enough and decided to move out and move on.   I found an apartment and all my plans were coming together to move out, but I really didn’t own any furniture so I drove down to St Marys to get a few pieces from my mom and Mike. While I was there my mom insisted we go to Dick’s Wings to get these really inappropriate T-shirts!  Lol while we were there, a guy started talking to me.  At the end of our chat, we exchanged numbers.  I had no intention of calling.  However, he did (thank God!).  


 This Christmas season I have been thinking more and more about the birth of our Savior.  I haven’t quite understood in Christmas past the enormity of it all.  To think that God Himself came as a little baby.  Maybe I am looking at it differently this year because we have a new little one in our house.  Jesus - maybe with cute smiles and giggles.  Jesus with 10 pudgy fingers and 10 kissable toes.  A baby is full of wonder and innocence.  A newness.  Fresh.  That was our Lord.  Jesus really does know how we feel at all times.  He knows every emotion.  He knows every hurt.  He knows every miracle.  Every joy.  Every gift.  He can relate.  He loves.   This is God!  Our God.  Your God.  My God.   He came to save us because He loves us.  In the form of a precious little baby.   This year has been hard for all of us.  The whole world.  It feels as if we are all aching.  I hope there is joy and peace in this season.  We need this hope.  Focus on it.  Don’t let it go.  Enjoy the sights and the

A funny

  This is saline nasal spray.  Andrew, our 8-year-old, had used some yesterday.  Well, this morning at breakfast he was reading the side of the bottle and saw that it “also helps with sports.”  So he looks at me and in total seriousness says “Well, I must have over used this yesterday because I had two touchdowns when we were playing football and I tackled Ryan twice!”  Oh, it was too, too funny!  Later he saw me using it and commented that I must want to be good at sports, too.  :)  I’ve finished my fall grad school class so I’m excited for a break.  We are also on a break from home school until next year so we are starting to watch Christmas movies in the afternoons and we are creating a Christmas Around the World project.   I am also starting to write a book (again).   I have deleted my first two attempts, which was probably close to 75 pages  combined (yikes) and am starting fresh.  I am going to be writing mostly about Lucas.   For maybe some encouragement, God has been generously