
Showing posts from January, 2021


 You know I wish I would have recorded my life as it passed.  Not for me, but for a testimony of what God has done.  As He does for all of His children.  I wish I had that written record to pass down to my children and grandchildren.  To show how much God loves and takes care of us and to see how much He wants to be a part of our lives.  Even when we deny Him and turn from Him.  Even though we are sinners saved by grace through Jesus Christ.  He still seeks. He still pursues.   I am really wrestling with what to do on my two attempts at writing a book.  I have two unfinished books on my iPad and that just doesn’t sit well with me.  And I have no idea what God wants me to do with either of them.  I want to shout from a rooftop all the ways God has worked in my life.  I know when I hear other people’s testimonies it is an encouragement to me.  And so what a waste if I don’t share mine, which would hopefully help someone else.  Or even my children.   I wished I had wrote journals during m

Snow (again)

  Snow posts and pictures of snow fall are probably going to get boring around here real quick lol!  We are experiencing are second winter snow storm in less than a week and obviously we still had a bunch of snow from the first one that came on Monday/Tuesday.  This new one started yesterday and is still going as of this post.  Most snow I’ve ever seen!!!  I’m sure total with what we already had and what we are getting now, we’ve got over a foot on the ground.  Well, the boys asked for a lot of snow this year. I think their request has been answered!   Best part about it though, is the boys and Hailey woke up to seeing our neighbor shoveling her driveway this morning and so they suited up and went out there and helped her.  I loved seeing that!  

Field Museum

 In 2019-2020, I created a Bucket List and through research came up with all the places I wanted to visit in each of the 50 states and then I picked all the other countries and islands I wanted to visit and listed the things I wanted to do/see in each of those places.  Well, the Field Museum was on my Bucket List and that’s where we headed yesterday because they finally opened back up in limited capacity!   It was a good time.  We didn’t get to see everything and I spent a good amount of the time nursing the baby in the mom’s room, but we got to see Sue the T. rex and that’s really why I wanted to go to the Field Museum in the first place.  The boys and I had studied about Sue before we had moved to Illinois and so that was the highlight of the excursion down there.  As you can see, it was cold (really!?), but it’s always fun to see the lake and the city skyline, too.  


 Hello!  I wanted to share our winter storm snow pictures!   We got around six inches on Tuesday.  It’s been fun to play in and it’s been fun climbing snow mountains and sinking into it as we walk.  We have had snow on the ground since December 29th now!  This is definitely a different environment for me, being from the south!!!   We also made healthy snow cream from the Wellness Mama site.  And the boys have been digging a snow tunnel!

Our Family - January

 A little family update since it’s been awhile.   Ryan is still busy with doing Salt and Light through our church on Tuesday nights and really enjoys the worship and fellowship.  Other than that, him and his brothers are into Dungeons and Dragons.  Hunter is doing virtual piano lessons and it is so much fun listening to him play!   Andrew started Kid Trek on Wednesday nights at church and he is also working on getting baptized soon.   Hailey starts back to swim next month after the pool was closed due to COVID.  Hoping she will be able to fully know how to swim soon!  Addison just had her 5th birthday yesterday.  I am going to start teaching her how to read soon.  :)  Jessica still hasn’t potty trained!  Yikes!!!  Lol  Lucas - he moved down to the basement with the boys and I think he is really liking sharing a room with them.  He is off all tube feeds and now we are only using it for fluids because he still doesn’t drink anything by mouth.  He is doing so much better with puréed.  He

Addison’s 5th!

 Our precious Addison turned 5 yesterday!  She had such a good day just hanging out at the house and getting to pick lunch and dinner and then having a little party with cake and gifts.  She was just excited to do TV school with us and get phone calls and text messages and the extra attention from us.  She has such a sweet spirit.  We thank God for her!!!  


Natalie and I headed off to California last week for a long weekend.  We had long days of travel there and back, but it was so much fun to see my mom and Mike and to sightsee around Morro Bay where they live. My mom, Natalie and I stayed in a hotel room so that was great, too.  The area is beautiful (as you will soon see!) and it was a nice break from snow and cold temps - the whole time we were there it was in the high 70s during the day!  Natalie was a great travel buddy, too, and it was nice to have that experience with her and to continue our bonding.  :).   We miss Mom and Mike, but hoping she will get to come here in the summer with her flight credit.   Madonna Inn in San Louis Obispo  Morro Bay  Montana del Oro (I think!)  Mom’s cat, Tigger  Dog Beach  Natalie’s first time with toes in the ocean

Prayer for 2021

After my post last night, I came downstairs and decided to read a text my Dad had sent earlier in the day.  Below is what I read.  God is amazing in how He speaks!  This prayer totally went along with the song I heard yesterday morning, our church service message, and my blog post.  God is good!  A Prayer for 2021 God, You know me.  Before I was even born ,  You loved me and knew every detail of my life . So as I enter 2021, please  fill me with Your peace that passes understanding  and  keep my eyes fixed on You . No matter what I face this year, give me  strength and hope , and help me to dream with You. Even when it may feel like dreaming isn’t possible, show me that  nothing is impossible for You . In 2021,  please bless me and protect me. Let Your face shine upon me and be gracious to me. Please give me Your peace and make this a year of breakthrough. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

The Lord Bless You

 The alarm went off at 540 am as it does everyday, but I snoozed it until almost an hour had passed.  I rationalized that it was a Sunday and that we didn’t need a whole lot of time to get ready and load into the van, head to Panera to pick up our breakfast, get to church and get settled in our room so we can hear the morning’s message.   As it usually goes, we seem to be doing well time wise and we have the chance that we may make it by the start of service until we don’t!  We got into the van around 847 (we should have left at 830), but we got our Panera order relatively quickly (it’s 902 now and service started two minutes ago).  However, then we realize we had forgotten to order Andrew’s chocolate croissant so we go back to Panera and by the time we leave it is close to 915.   I had decided to turn on YouTube on my phone so we could live stream the message.  Then one of my favorite songs started - The Lord bless you and keep you, make His face shine upon you...... (The Blessing by


 God,  I confess I am oftentimes selfish and I can get impatient easily.  My anger appears often, especially with my husband and kids.  I get annoyed, aggravated, and frustrated with these little blessings and I am usually failing at the kind of wife I should be to my husband.  Those closest to me, my greatest blessings, I tend to treat the worst.  I love to have control and I am a perfectionist.  I like lists, schedules, and plans.   Anxiety finds its way into my everyday.  Fear can overwhelm me.  Worry is close behind, as is depression and stress.  My past haunts me.  I forget to praise you and be thankful for your goodness and kindness.  I have a hard time trusting you and I have little faith. I cease to be grateful for the life you have given me.  I can be unforgiving and I have a hard time accepting your forgiveness, mercy, and grace.  I can be bitter and carry around a hardened heart.  It’s hard to love sometimes.  But you. You work in my messes.  I know this.  I have witnessed i

Ryan Nicholas

Our precious Ryan.  He is 11 years old now and boy has he started to have some real thoughtful questions and ponderings (if that’s a word).   Like........ How he wants to spend time with me and Sean because time is so short and he wants to make sure he gets good quality time with us.   How he spent a 20 minute car ride telling me all the things he loves about me!   He is concerned about time going by too fast!  I told him he is not supposed to feel that way until he is an adult.  Childhood as I recall went really slow!  I tried to tell him to learn from the past, live in the moment, and anticipate the future.   He has questions about death and eternity and God and Jesus dying on the cross for our sins.   He wants to be assured of his salvation.   He has been purposing to have great character.   This mama is proud.  This mama is slightly surprised by his thoughts and questions and worries and concerns.   How does this happen?!   He’s growing up!  I have also noticed how he watches me an


 It’s the New Year!  I think everyone on the planet is hoping for a better year than 2020.  And even though it was hard on all of us, and certainly harder for some than others, let us not forget God’s love and care for us.  Even in the most difficult times.  He does have us in mind and He is always near to us.  He will help us if we seek His face.  In the spirit of the newness of the year, I am usually one to make resolutions.  Probably too many.  And most fall by the wayside.  This year I am going to focus on grace.  Receiving grace.  Giving grace.  Not being so down on myself when I stumble.  Not being critical of others when they stumble.  If expectations are not met, it’s ok.  It’s going to be ok.   For our kids, they had some good ones.  Ryan’s I won’t say, it might embarrass him.  Hunter vows to buy a Georgia Bulldogs shirt, Hailey wants to climb a tree everyday, Jessica wants to eat more (ha ha), and Addison wants to be breakfast, lunch, and dinner helper for the year.  I ca